Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Vote Rory!

Well, we're just beside ourselves with excitement today. Rory's photo is on the Little Trekkers website, to illustrate their Christmas photo competition. Take a look!

So, the closing date's not till New Year but fingers crossed...

And doesn't he look lovely in the leaves? ('Leavly' perhaps?)

Meanwhile, in a related piece of baby competitiveness, cousin Isla's in hot pursuit of the title in the Aberdeen Evening Express's baby photo competition... We've all rung the premium rate hotline to offer our support, so now we can only wait... She does have the benefit of being actually very cute, though, which, alas, can't be said for quite a few of the other entrants (but their mothers love 'em).

Saturday, December 09, 2006



Well, neither of us has a license. But what harm can it do? Daddy says I can drive in the Car Park. There's no way I'm going to make an arse of parallel parking as much as him. Right just get my feet on the pedals.

There we go - now I'll just park in front of Mummy - she'll be pretty impressed. This is fun.

Hang on - is this the brake? That sounds brilliant. I'm not sure it is the brake though, because we seem to be getting faster. Here comes Mum. You'd think she'd be pleased to see me.

ooooopppss.. (THUMP THUMP) Cripes. Call Barnardo's - I'm an ORPHAN!*

No persons real or imaginary were harmed in the creation of this picture story. Though it is posible Rory's dad wet himself when he first saw picture 3...

Monday, December 04, 2006


At the Crimbo Market

Authentic seasonal experiences around Edinburgh (no.1 of an occasional series):

Yesterday we went to the charming German-style Christmas market in Princes Street Gardens, which featured:

We huddled together with Diarmid and Ellen for warmth, eating our fried potatoes and trying to stave off grumpiness from the Rory corner.

It's what we laughingly call "a nice trip to the shops".

Anyway, this is all just an excuse for these photos of the three of them, indoors and out of the wind...

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