Saturday, August 19, 2006



Now - some time ago we promised you maximum aaawww factor. This was linked to the birth of Rory's new cousin, Niamh. Now - as regular readers will recall - hospital policy kept the babies apart. But today we can - in a web exclusive - bring you the first pictures of them together.

Eat your liver out Hello magazine. On a digressive note - what ever happened to the Tartan version, Hiya? I suppose there's only so many times you can interview Lorraine Kelly about Carol Smillie. And vice versa.

In other cousin news, Rory has been on a mini-break up north. As well as quality grandparental and great-grandparental time, he's been socialising with a couple of other babies - oh yes, he's quite the social butterfly these days. To illustrate, here's Ali's mum (on the right, with Rory) with Ali's auntie Judith, cousin Catherine and Catherine's boy John.

And last but certainly not least in this comprehensive baby round-up... Rory and his lovely, mellow, baby cousin Isla. They're much the same age but, wow, she's really quite a bit bigger than him. In fact, is it my imagination or does he look a bit alarmed here? She appears to be flinging out her arms in an effort to force him off her playmat. A taste of things to come in their future relationship, perhaps. (Sorry this is the wrong way round. Technical problems...)

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