Monday, August 14, 2006


Quick morning update

While he's having a nap, here's a quick update on Rory's weight and length as measured on Thursday 10 August:

Weight - 7.02kg (15.07 lbs)

Length - 64cm

Point to note: Rory was 7lb 11oz at birth so I do believe he's doubled his birth weight! Hooray! Meaning he's officially the size of two Niamhs. And about 0.8 Islas, but that's another story.

His weight may in fact be more than that by now, as he's possibly having another of those infernal growth spurts. Something's clearly bothering him, as for the last week he's been waking up yelling at night. A lot. Seems we spoke too soon about the sleeping being sorted... If it's not growing, it may be teething... who knows? No further comment except argh!!!.

Here's a thing we know today that we didn't know yesterday: Stephen says that the park is "very quiet indeed" at 5am (the point this morning at which he headed out with the baby as a last resort)... we didn't know that, but, hmm, did we want to? Rory, however, reportedly found the park"very interesting" - sad to say, the early morning walk of desperation didn't in any way send him to sleep.

That's all for now from sleep deprivation central...

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