Sunday, August 27, 2006



Rory has again been receiving guests from around the globe. Or the British Isles at least. A couple of weekends ago it was James - up from London. He was quickly pressed into service as a punkah wallah...

Also - the eagle eyed amongst you will notice Sarah poking in the shot. That's her and Martin's actual canal boat. No bad eh?

Then - this weeek - the giddy social whirl continued with a diplomatic mission from Ireland. And that meant another battle of the babies with Rory this time taking on Meabh (sorry blogger doesn't do Irish punctuation type accent things - would an umlaut do?..)

Turns out baby equation goes:

(Blond Viking descendent Pete (and he can prove it with his freaky finger!)) + (black haired Irish person (whose surname actually means black haired stranger or something to that effect) Una) = sweet little ginger baby. Ain't genetics grand?

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