Sunday, October 01, 2006


Bring me the Lobster Thermidor and a bucket..

Well - Rory is starting down the slippery path that leads to sausage suppers and Pickled Onion Nik Naks.. Solids..

He is - as any of you unfortunate enough to get either of us going on the subject will know all too well - following a process called Baby-Led Weaning (

Essentially this means he does as he likes. He tries out foods we're having. And no puree..

so he has taken pretty well to weetabix; bread; bread with Katherine's home made soup; tomato slices; sooking on bits of chicken and Rice Cakes.

He's so far lukewarm on green veg and cheese.

Raspberries are a little tart for his tastes it turns out..

The downside to this process is that it results in a bit of a culinary Paschendale. A lot of mess. Witness..

The Indonesians in the Nike factory where I used to teach were adamant that food was much more delicious if you ate it with your fingers, mashing it in your hands a little first. The Koreans, who were the management in the factory, did not believe this, noting also that the Indonesians are, largely, strangers to toilet paper.

I've posted the picture that you wanted for the blog on my flickr page. Feel free to copy and paste.
Click for Monkey Magees picture.
i think you'll find that the Indonesians are predominantly Muslims - who eat with their right hand and keep their left hand for the toilet - when it is accepted that wiping is not sufficient and you have to wash yourself when you go to the toilet. So in fact one could argue that they are "cleaner" in their approach. I know if a bit of pooh was anywhere else but my bottom, i would feel the need for water and soap as opposed to just a bit of toilet paper if you know what i mean!
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