Tuesday, January 02, 2007



Should have said earlier - for those of you keeping score/a wallchart/money on it at the bookies Rory's tooth count is now a mighty FOUR. Two up, two down...

Another two hovering menacingly in the upper jaw. Hence him chewing EVERYTHING..

In other developmental news

(BONG) He ate broccoli..
(BONG) He used a spoon to eat soup
(BONG) He's puling himself up on stuff and enjoying a wee stand..
(BONG) The Ginger Cat is now established as his private obsession. True love.
(BONG) His new gig is flirting with randoms everywhere he goes. Particularly the ladies...

And in sport..

He can catch a little - throw a lot and kick a fair amount. Aussie Rules here we come..

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