Saturday, July 14, 2007



Rory has been off on his travels, and has much to report.
First he went to London. Not to see the Queen - can you guess what it was for? Here's a clue..

OK - here's another one...

Right - once more for the hard of understanding..

OUI - it was for the Tour De France Grand Depart. V Exciting it was too - and Rory is clearly developing an interest in bike racing that means next summer we have to take a trip to the great Alpine climbs. Or at least that what his Dad says he said.

Then - barely pausing to launder his small smalls - it was off to the other end of our great nation - the Orkney Isles. We can't give full details of his triumphal tour, but it is clear that there is not a woman of childbearing age in the Islands that hasn't been hiya'd and waved at by the Ginger charmer...

His first day showed Skara Brae beach off at it's best..

(Rory's own tribute the island of Sanday..)
But Orkney weather has a habit of surprising you - here's the next day..

The change resulted in Rory being treated to that ancient Scottish family holiday standard..


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