Sunday, November 30, 2008



Well. It's been a while. Since we last posted...

Baby Anna arrived after 12 somewhat effortful hours [NB: full details of the event are available on request, though I don't necessarily recommend it, especially if you're having a baby any time soon].

She was immediately the best thing we had ever seen, ever, except perhaps Baby Rory when he was first born.

Awww, look, i'n't she teeny??

This was 11.29pm on 31 March. She was very, very nearly April Fool baby, but not quite.

Also, this is very nearly the same birthday as Ali and Cousin Isla (2nd April), and pretty darned near Rory's birthday too (14 March) which leads me to conclude that March/ April is going to be a fearsomely expensive period for us from now on. Consider Easter (spring equinox/ whatever) celebrations cancelled...

Here seen with Stephen - check out the halo of fatherhood!

And also with her loving (well, "bemused but willing") big brother...

More - much more - to come on this subject...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008





There was total candle-blowing-out success.

Chilling at the party...

Eating a pretendy sausage...



Rory turns two - and Bean isn't born, on an ongoing basis...

One of Rory's presents. But what can it be?

Ali's currently looking like she's nicked a football - due date for Baby Mark 2 is tomorrow. But no signs of movement yet - we think she's going to go long again (Rory came along 2 weeks late...). Rory got a baby doll and a buggy to practice with for Christmas - but still has no real idea what's coming, poor little guy...

With a great fanfare the boy Rory turned 2 on Friday 14 March - 2! I know! - and had great fun opening cards and presents and getting doted over by various adults over a period of two or three days. He also got a ginger cat cake - which deserves a special post of its own, I think (plus this one is BROKEN and won't let me add any more photos...)

ooh, a card...

Monday, September 03, 2007


It's been a long time...

Lots to report.

We went on holiday to Coll with Diarmid, Ellen, Colm and Catriona. Here are Diarmid's favourite pics of it! Much Rory cuteness in evidence, you'll surely agree, especially when he helped with building a sandcastle (by sitting on top of it, as if he were a flag):

Rory found the 6:1 ratio of adults to baby very satisfactory on holiday, and has been quite huffy since we got home ("just you, again? Where are my admiring hordes??").

Our photos aren't uploaded yet (and don't make the weather look nearly as nice as Diarmid's do) but hihglights will follow, whenever we find the camera...

Talking of losing things - we've moved house - altogether it was a streeeeeesss but to be fair the removal guys were great and did all the packing for us. (We are never, never packing our own house up again. It took them 3 hours in total. Amazing.) It's the unpacking, or lack of it, one month on, that's causing a problem. Boo.

Anyway, more importantly, in big but belated Rory news - he learned to walk on our last day in Orkney, and that must be 6 or 7 weeks ago now. He's now acting very insouciant about the whole thing, as if he's never not known how to walk. Still suffering the occasional catastrophic falling over episode, but he's getting there. In Coll he very much enjoyed it when everyone was sitting around the kitchen table drinking tea, as he would go on parade round and round and round, and wave personally at each of the aforementioned 6 adults.

Also - he has 10 teeth! Which is tons.

Saturday, July 14, 2007



Rory has been off on his travels, and has much to report.
First he went to London. Not to see the Queen - can you guess what it was for? Here's a clue..

OK - here's another one...

Right - once more for the hard of understanding..

OUI - it was for the Tour De France Grand Depart. V Exciting it was too - and Rory is clearly developing an interest in bike racing that means next summer we have to take a trip to the great Alpine climbs. Or at least that what his Dad says he said.

Then - barely pausing to launder his small smalls - it was off to the other end of our great nation - the Orkney Isles. We can't give full details of his triumphal tour, but it is clear that there is not a woman of childbearing age in the Islands that hasn't been hiya'd and waved at by the Ginger charmer...

His first day showed Skara Brae beach off at it's best..

(Rory's own tribute the island of Sanday..)
But Orkney weather has a habit of surprising you - here's the next day..

The change resulted in Rory being treated to that ancient Scottish family holiday standard..


Friday, June 22, 2007



Rory and his Dad went to darkest Fife last weekend. Not only were they not killed and eaten - it was sunny and they went to the beach!

The reason for breaking Dad's self-imposed moritorium on travel to the Kingdom of baked goods and heavy set pensioners was to see Neil and Jocelyn and their kids Elizabeth and Ramsay.

Here is photographic proof of said meeting - including Rory beginning with a cute hug and quickly shading into inappropriate behaviour that would have seen a timeout called at kingerdergartens across the Continental US.




Oh, and isn't it wonderful when two young mn who've made the brave decision to adopt can openly sit together with their child at Aberdour beach. It's like Fire Island!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Milk

Rory's cousin Niamh, ready for a storm at sea here...
Aaaarrrr, that she be...

And here's an illustration of the career in deep sea fishing she naturally aspires to...


Hide and seek at the Treefest

Here's Rory and Diarmid playing hide and seek at the Treefest yesterday, where all the woodworking hippies were... It was great fun, not least because:
  • someone gave Rory a red balloon!
  • And we all sat in a Yurt, which was covered in felt!
  • And it was gloriously sunny!


(Nearly) walking latest

So... still not walking... but look how close!
We just need to lure him away from holding on with one hand - perhaps with a delicious carrot puff (aka posh Wotsit). Caroline has discovered that a carrot puff in each hand confuses him long enough that he will stand up on his own. The addition of a third one should get him moving...

Sunday, April 22, 2007



Now don't get too excited - this is not walking. As such. But it's a step in the right direction. Ho ho...



General Rory Headlines first..

BONG Rory was a bit sick in the tummy for a while (boo....)

BONG Now he's better (yeah yeah yeah..)

BONG Police advise do not place valuables near Rory as of now as he is likely to EAT them due to growth spurt.. or possibly tapeworm...

Also too - on a flying visit to his Mother's land Rory had an audience with his GREAT GRANNY.. Picture Proof follows..

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